To Obtain Credit for Courses not Reported by Providers

Please note that most providers accredit courses in Tennessee and report and pay for your attendance

For courses taken outside Tennessee where the provider has not accredited the course with the Commission
Obtaining CLE Credit for Other Activities (See FAQs for additional information)

Other Forms

Inactive Status Request Online Form          Inactive Status Request (pdf)

Age Exemption Application

Application for Tennessee Supreme Court Approval of Legal Assistance Organization

Exceptional Relief Request

Request for Exceptional Relief under Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 21 § 2.04

Send requests for Exceptional Relief and supporting documentation to Compliance Director Amy Frogge via email or to:

CLE Commission
1321 Murfreesboro Pike Suite 810
Nashville, TN 37217-2690

Requests are heard by the Commission at its next meeting. Typically, meetings are held quarterly. Requests must be received 10 days prior to the hearing, or the request will be heard at the next regular Commission meeting.