The Commission appreciates your interest in becoming a provider of CLE to Tennessee-licensed attorneys. As a provider, you would join more than 900 active sponsors of CLE for attorneys. A diverse collection of providers is essential to offering education that meets the needs of our attorneys.


To become a provider, complete this form. Please allow a few days for provider accreditation. If you have any questions you can email Tiffany Drew

Providers must demonstrate substantial recent experience in offering continuing legal education or demonstrated ability to organize and effectively present continuing legal education. Demonstrated ability arises partly from the extent to which individuals with legal training or educational experience are involved in the planning, instruction, and supervision of the activity.

After providers receive accreditation, the Commission will send detailed instructions to the provider contact, outlining the process for submitting courses and attendance to the CLE Commission.


To get a course or program approved for CLE credit in Tennessee it must be submitted electronically through our online portal.  Please submit your course or program at least 30 days in advance of the date of the course or program.

The activity must have significant intellectual or practical content and its primary objective must be to enhance the participant’s professional competence as an attorney. The activity must deal primarily with matters related to substantive law, the practice of law, professional responsibility or ethical obligations of attorneys.


There is no fee to submit a course or program for CLE approval in Tennessee. An administrative fee of $2 per credit hour applies when providers report attendance for any course. A late fee of $1 per hour applies to attendance submitted more than 45 days after the course is completed. All fees must be paid before credits are posted to an attorney’s record.

If you have any questions, please email Tiffany Drew. Also, see our tutorials and FAQs for more information.


  • Providers agree to report attendance and pay attendance fees for any course accredited in Tennessee. There is no fee for accreditation.
  • The attendance fee is $2 per hour per attorney. Fees are prorated to .01 hours of attendance. For example, a course that reports 1.24 hours of attendance would owe $2.48.
  • Providers agree to report and pay attendance within 30 days of when the attendance is accrued. Late attendance reporting is subject to a $1/hour late fee.
  • Providers of approved activity may advertise or indicate approval of an activity, as follows: “This course has been approved by the Tennessee Commission on Continuing Legal Education for a maximum of XXX hours of credit.”
  • An out-of-state provider that offers an in-person course in Tennessee, but does not have the course accredited, shall include in any program advertisement:
  1. “This program is not accredited in Tennessee”; or
  2. “We intend to seek accreditation for this program in Tennessee”; or
  3. “This program is not being submitted for accreditation in Tennessee”.