Is an in-house seminar or a law firm-sponsored course eligible for CLE credit?

In general, an “in-house activity” (defined as an activity conducted primarily for the benefit of attorneys in a single firm, corporation, or governmental entity) does not qualify for CLE credit. Courses sponsored by law firms that are strictly limited to in-house counsel and/or clients and primarily for the benefit of attorneys are not eligible for […]

What types of courses qualify for Ethics/Professionalism credit?

Courses dealing with the disciplinary rules or ethical considerations applicable to attorneys receive Dual credit (which counts toward either the Ethics/Professionalism (E/P) or the General requirement, as needed by the attorney). Law practice management topics, stress management, time management, staff training and supervision, substance abuse awareness and action, general skills (e.g., speed reading), budgeting, and […]

What does it mean if a course shows “Dual” credits?

“Dual” credits are hours of CLE that can be used either toward the General or toward the Ethics/Professionalism requirement. However, Dual credits do not count twice! (In other words, you cannot receive 2 hours of credit for 1 hour of attendance). Dual credits are first applied toward Ethics/Professionalism requirements, and any remaining hours are applied […]