What qualifies for Ethics/Professionalism credit?
All Ethics/Professionalism credit is designated as dual credit. See Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 21 § 3.01(b). Dual credit is granted when the subject matter of the program is the Rules of Professional Conduct or ethical considerations applicable to attorneys. Dual credit will also be granted to programs or topics:a. designed to sustain or increase the […]
We want to present a course very similar to one we offered last year. Do we need to reenter everything?
No, you can highlight the course and click on the copy icon. Then make the appropriate changes for the copied course and submit it for approval. Never modify and resubmit a previously-held course where attendance has been submitted. Doing so will remove credit previously reported and posted to the attendees’ accounts and could cause noncompliance issues […]
How much time do providers have to submit credit for completion of a program?
Providers are required to report attorney attendance within 30 days of completion of the course/program. Late-reported attendance is subject to a late fee. The course reporting fee is $2.00 per credit hour per attorney. The fee increases by $1.00 per credit hour per attorney ($3.00 total) for courses reported more than 45 days after completion […]
We failed to report attendance for a course held over a year ago. Can we still report it?
No. Attendance submitted more than one year after the date of completion of the course will not be posted. See Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. § 8.02(a).
We forgot to give speaker credit when we submitted our attendance batch. What do we need to do?
You MUST contact the Commission and have the attendee hours previously reported for the speaker deleted from their account. After the hours have been deleted, you can resubmit the proper credit for the speaker. If you submit new attendance prior to deleting the first submission, it is seen as a duplicate posting and ignored. You […]
Attorneys have not received credit for attending a course even though attendance batches were submitted weeks ago. What is the problem?
A number of things can cause this: The batch is still pending; please check for any errors and submit. The Board of Professional Responsibility (BPR) number used to enter attendance for the attorney was not accurate, so the attorney didn’t get the credit. Payment for the attendance batch did not go through. Unpaid attendance will […]
How do I calculate speaker credit? Is it applied automatically when I mark someone as a speaker?
No, there is no automatic calculation for speaker credit. Marking someone as a speaker only allows you to give them more credit than the course was approved for. The provider must calculate the number of hours the speaker should receive based on the number of pages provided as handouts and enter those hours for the […]
How do I find out why a course was denied?
Pull up the course. Click on the MAIN tab, and look in the notes section. The reason(s) for the denial will be listed in this section.
Can a CLE provider modify a previously approved or submitted course?
If attendance has never been submitted for the specific course number, a provider may modify a previously submitted course.