Yes, you can receive 4 CLE credit hours for every hour of academic credit through teaching at an approved law school or teaching law-related courses at the undergraduate or graduate level in an approved college, university or community college.
Ethics/Professionalism or Dual hours are awarded only to instructors teaching a law school course on ethics or professionalism. You cannot earn Ethics/Professionalism or Dual hours teaching legal ethics courses to a general audience. See Regulation 5H(3). Any legal instruction may involve an ethics component, but the Commission will not attempt to parse out what percentage of a course could qualify for Ethics/Professionalism credit and what percentage of a course should receive General credit.
Please have your dean or another administrator send us a signed letter on the school’s letterhead confirming the course(s) you taught, the quarter/semester/period you taught and the number of credit hours the students earned for successfully completing the course. You will need to pay the two dollar ($2) per CLE hour reporting fee for those hours. See Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 21 § 4.03(b).