PROVIDERS: If you are a provider/sponsor, please call us at 615-741-3096 or e-mail to set up an account and to learn more about the application and accreditation process. See Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 21 § 5. More information may be found here.

ATTORNEYS: If you are an attorney, first search for the course on our website (“Course Search” under the “Attorneys” tab) to see if it’s already been approved. Any course taken within Tennessee must be accredited and reported by the provider. If your course is not yet accredited, please contact the provider and ask the provider to submit the course for accreditation, report your credits, and pay the reporting fee. Any course taken within Tennessee must be accredited and reported by the provider. 

If you are an attorney who has taken a course out of state that has not been accredited by the provider, you may seek accreditation of the course by sending the following information to
this form
• an Application for Accreditation
• course description
• biographies of the speakers
• an agenda from the event if it includes more than one session, and
• a Certificate of Completion signed by the provider verifying the hours completed.

If the course was attended online, please follow the instructions on this form. You must also pay the $2/hour reporting fee.