To return to active status from either inactive or suspended status, an attorney must earn and report CLE credits sufficient to meet the requirements of the years while inactive or suspended, to a maximum of 5 years, prior to having their license reinstated. Thus, if an attorney is inactive for 2 years, they must make up 2 years of CLE credit. If an attorney is inactive for 10 years, they must make up 5 years of CLE credit.

Because the CLE Commission and the Board of Professional Responsibility are separate agencies, attorneys are also advised to check independently with the Board of Professional Responsibility on applicable provisions of the rules administered by that organization.

Finally, please note that being suspended by or becoming inactive with the Board of Professional Responsibility does not automatically exempt an attorney from CLE obligations. However, an attorney who is already inactive with the Board of Professional Responsibility and who does not actively practice law in any United States jurisdiction may request inactive status with the CLE Commission during the years they are not practicing. See Reg. 2B.