YES! Ignoring pending attendance can cost you money.

CLE compliance means you have earned your hours or claimed an exemption, AND all fees have been paid.

If you owe posting fees for pending attendance ($2 per credit hour), you are not in compliance and will be assessed noncompliance fees if deadlines pass.

Log into your account. You have three choices:

(1) Pay the $2/hour attendance fees and receive credit for all the hours. Please keep in mind that you can carry forward only one year’s worth of hours.

(2) Reduce the number of hours by editing the hours in your online account and then pay the corresponding attendance fee.

(3) Delete all of the pending attendance hours, and the fees due will also be deleted.

Please note that pending attendance is NOT counted toward the 15-hour requirement, nor is it eligible to be carried forward, until is it paid for and becomes attendance rather than pending attendance.