I was sworn in as an attorney this year through comity and have a CLE obligation for this compliance year. Can I use the CLE I took prior to being sworn in as an attorney in Tennessee?
Yes. Since you were already a licensed attorney, although not in Tennessee, you will be able to use the CLE you took in Tennessee prior to your admission or can request having credits earned outside of Tennessee accredited in Tennessee even though it was earned prior to your being sworn in.
I gave a legal presentation to a civic organization or to doctors at a medical conference or at the local high school or college. Can I receive CLE credit for this presentation?
No. If you are not speaking to an audience primarily made up of attorneys, your presentation will not be considered Continuing Legal Education.
I just realized that I never received credit for a course I took over a year ago. Is it too late to get credit?
Generally, yes. Attendance submitted more than one year after the date of completion will not be posted, unless compliance is still in progress for the immediately preceding compliance year. See Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 21 §§8.02(a) & 8.03.
I completed a bar prep course to prepare for the bar exam in another state, can I get CLE credit?
Perhaps. Bar prep courses must pass the same scrutiny as any other CLE program to become accredited in Tennessee. If the course was online, it must have attendance tracking. If the provider of the program cannot give you a certificate that you completed the program and how many hours it took, then it would not […]
What are Carry Back or Carry Forward hours under the attendance tab and on an Annual Report Statement?
When attorneys earn more than the required 15 hours in the 12-month compliance year, excess hours are “carried forward” to the next compliance year. Attorneys can carry forward one year’s worth of CLE credit. If an attorney did not earn 15 hours (minimum three ethics and 12 general) in the previous 12-month compliance year, then […]
As an Attorney, can I get credit for a CLE course I took in another state?
Use “Search Courses” on this web site to make sure the course is not already approved. If it is not, mail, email or fax us a copy of the program agenda (including breaks), a list of the speakers and biographical information on the speakers showing their qualifiications to teach the course. Attach the completed form […]
How much time do providers have to submit credit for completion of a program?
Providers are required to report attorney attendance within 30 days of completion of the course/program. Late-reported attendance is subject to a late fee. The course reporting fee is $2.00 per credit hour per attorney. The fee increases by $1.00 per credit hour per attorney ($3.00 total) for courses reported more than 45 days after completion […]
We want to present a course very similar to one we offered last year. Do we need to reenter everything?
No, you can highlight the course and click on the copy icon. Then make the appropriate changes for the copied course and submit it for approval. Never modify and resubmit a previously-held course where attendance has been submitted. Doing so will remove credit previously reported and posted to the attendees’ accounts and could cause noncompliance issues […]
Can a CLE provider modify a previously approved or submitted course?
If attendance has never been submitted for the specific course number, a provider may modify a previously submitted course.
In addition to paying for attendees’ credit hours, does the CLE provider pay for credit hours earned by a CLE instructor/presenter?
Yes. A speaker whose presentation is accompanied by five or more pages of thorough, high quality, readable and carefully prepared written materials will qualify for CLE credit on the basis of four hours of credit for each hour of presentation. Presentations accompanied by less than five pages of outlines, or not accompanied by written materials, […]