What’s the deadline for filing an exemption?

If you qualify for an exemption, you may claim it after the compliance year ends (on December 31) when you file your Annual Report Statement. The Commission sends out Annual Report Statements by the end of February each year. To avoid penalty, you must claim your exemption by March 31. If you fail to claim […]

What qualifies for Ethics/Professionalism credit?

All Ethics/Professionalism credit is designated as dual credit. See Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 21 § 3.01(b). Dual credit is granted when the subject matter of the program is the Rules of Professional Conduct or ethical considerations applicable to attorneys. Dual credit will also be granted to programs or topics:a. designed to sustain or increase the […]

I have been certified as a Rule 31 mediator. How does this affect my CLE obligations?

The CLE Commission does not accredit Continuing Mediation Education (CME) courses or record hours for mediation purposes, and the Commission is unable to confirm whether a course is approved for CME credit. You may find information regarding CME here.  Attorneys certified as mediators must comply with their yearly CLE obligations. A CME course may also count […]

Does my CLE need to be Tennessee specific?

No. However, before you can receive CLE credit, the course/program must be approved and accredited by the Tennessee CLE Commission. If the provider didn’t send the course to us for approval and accreditation, then you, the attendee, must submit it. Submitting a course for accreditation does not guarantee approval and that it will qualify for […]

Are disabled attorneys exempt from CLE requirements?

Disabled attorneys have the same obligation to earn CLE or to file a valid exemption under Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 21 § 2.03. While there is no specific exemption for disabled attorneys, any attorney may file for exceptional relief for a modification of the requirements or a substitute program. Requests are approved or disapproved on […]

I am over 70 years old. Am I now exempt from CLE obligations?

No.  The age exemption is not automatic.  It must be requested.  An attorney is eligible to claim the age exemption by filing a request with the CLE Commission in the compliance year after they turn 70. The exemption may be requested on the Annual Report Statement or by submitting a Request for Age Exemption form via email or mail. See Tenn. […]