Does my CLE need to be Tennessee specific?
No. However, before you can receive CLE credit, the course/program must be approved and accredited by the Tennessee CLE Commission. If the provider didn’t send the course to us for approval and accreditation, then the attendee must submit it. Submitting a course for accreditation does not guarantee approval and that it will qualify for CLE […]
How can I get a course approved and accredited?
PROVIDERS: If you are a provider/sponsor, please call us at 615-741-3096 or e-mail to set up an account and to learn more about the application and accreditation process. See Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 21 § 5. More information may be found here. ATTORNEYS: If you are an attorney, first search for the course on […]
I am not receiving communication from the Commission. Why?
The Commission sends mail and email messages to the correspondence addresses registered with the Board of Professional Responsibility. Attorneys must maintain current contact information with the BPR. Also, attorneys should consider adding to their address books to avoid messages going into junk mail folders.
My mailing address, email address or telephone number is wrong on the Commission’s website. How do I update my contact information?
All changes to your mailing address, email address or telephone number must be made through the Board of Professional Responsibility’s attorney portal. The Commission cannot update your contact information. The Commission receives weekly updates from the Board of Professional Responsibility (BPR). If attorney contact information is correct with the BPR, the Commission will automatically import […]
When does the Tennessee CLE compliance year start and end?
Tennessee’s compliance year for CLE runs from January 1 through December 31. See Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 21 § 3.01. Please do not confuse the compliance year with the Board of Professional Responsibility’s licensing year, which is based on your birthday. The CLE Commission and the BPR are separate agencies of the Tennessee Supreme […]
When does the Tennessee Supreme Court enter the Suspension Order?
The Supreme Court typically enters the final Suspension Order in mid-August. Attorneys have until August 10 to submit compliance records to the Commission. The Court enters the Order at its discretion. See Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 21 § 7.07.
Can attorneys earn credit for passing a Legal Specialization Exam?
Yes. Attorneys should send the Commission confirmation of successful completion of the exam and the Commission will post credit equal to the number of hours of the exam.
I have questions about a course listed on the CLETN website. Who should I contact?
Click on the black arrowhead to the left ot the course to expand the course infomation. Contact the provider listed in the course information. There will be an email address or phone number included with the information.
How do I register for a course listed on your website?
To expand the information on the course, click on the black arrowhead to the left of the course inumber. You must contact the provider of the course by phone or email. Their contact information will be listed with the course information.
Can I still claim the non-resident exemption if I gave advice on a Tennessee matter during the compliance year?
No, your exemption was lost for this compliance year when you gave advice on Tennessee law. It would be the same if you filed something in a Tennessee case or made an appearance in a Tennessee case. The exemption is only available to those attorneys who lived outside of Tennessee the entire compliance year and […]