There is “Pending Attendance” on my account. Do I need to do anything?

YES! Ignoring pending attendance can cost you money. CLE compliance means you have earned your hours or claimed an exemption, AND all fees have been paid. If you owe posting fees for pending attendance ($2 per credit hour), you are not in compliance and will be assessed noncompliance fees if deadlines pass. Log into your […]

Do CLE hours carry forward to the next year?

Yes, up to one full year’s worth of both General hours (12) and Ethics/Professionalism hours (3) can be carried forward to the next compliance year. Hours earned during a year in which an attorney is exempt may be carried forward only to succeeding year, only to the extent they would have carried forward had the […]

What are Tennessee’s Continuing Legal Education (CLE) requirements?

Each attorney must complete a total of 15 hours of CLE per year, consisting of no less than 12 General hours and three Ethics/Professionalism (E/P) hours. All E/P credit is designated as Dual credit. Dual credit is first applied as E/P credit, and any remaining credit is applied as General credit. Tennessee no longer requires […]

Forgot your PIN number for attorney login?

Click on “forgot PIN” on the attorney login screen. Your PIN will be sent to the email address on file with the Board of Professional Responsibility.  Your PIN is also listed on the CLE Progress Report that you receive in the fall.  If you have not received your PIN within 10 minutes, check your SPAM […]