I lived outside of Tennessee and did not practice Tennessee law during the compliance year. Am I exempt from CLE?
Attorneys are not automatically exempt, but may be eligible to claim one of the exemptions enumerated in Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 21, Section 2. Other than the age exemption, exemptions must be claimed annually after the December 31 close of each compliance year by filing an online Annual Report Statement (ARS). Failure to timely file […]
What exemptions are available?
“The Commission shall recognize the following exemptions: (a) Nonresident attorneys from other jurisdictions who are temporarily admitted to practice for a case or proceeding shall not be subject to [Rule 21]; (b) Members of the Armed Forces on active duty shall not be subject to this Rule. Any attorney claiming active duty military exemption shall […]
Can attorneys go inactive with the Commission on CLE?
Yes, but only if the attorney is no longer practicing law in any U.S. jurisdiction. To apply for inactive status, complete the Request for Inactive Status online, mail it to our office, or email it to: info@cletn.com. Before resuming the practice of law in any U.S. jurisdiction, attorneys are required to make up any CLE […]
I took a CLE course outside of Tennessee or from an online provider that had not been approved for Tennessee CLE. What do I need to do to get credit for this course?
A course accredited in another state may qualify for credit in Tennessee. First, ask the provider to seek accreditation in Tennessee; most will do so. If the provider will not apply for course approval and accreditation, e-mail Attorney Services Specialist Angela Perry requesting instructions on how to submit a course or activity for approval and accreditation.
I gave a legal presentation to a group of non-lawyers (e.g., at my child’s school, at the local Kiwanis or Lions Club meeting, at a civics organization, at a retirement home, to a group of business men). Can I receive CLE credit for my presentation?
No, you cannot receive CLE credit for giving a law-related presentation to a general audience. If you are not presenting an approved and accredited continuing legal education program, you cannot receive credit.
I am involved with a high school or college moot court or mock court competition, can I get CLE credit?
No. You cannot receive CLE credit for participation in a high school or college moot court or mock court competition. You can receive up to 3 hours of CLE credit for judging or coaching moot court or a mock trial at an approved law school. Credit is earned at the rate of one hours of […]
I was a guest speaker at a college or university for one or two classes during the semester. Can I get CLE credit for teaching?
No. As a teacher at a college, university or law school you can only receive credit if you were the primary instructor for the entire semester/quarter/term.
Does CLE earned prior to being officially sworn in count for CLE credit?
No. Individuals cannot receive credit for CLE earned prior to becoming an attorney, although new attorneys earn one year of CLE credit for passing the bar exam. If you are licensed in another state prior to becoming licensed in Tennessee, those hours may apply to the Tennessee requirement.
Can I receive CLE credit for teaching at a law school or for teaching law-related courses at a college?
Yes, you can receive 4 CLE credit hours for every hour of academic credit through teaching at an approved law school or teaching law-related courses at the undergraduate or graduate level in an approved college, university or community college. Ethics/Professionalism or Dual hours are awarded only to instructors teaching a law school course on ethics […]
Can I receive CLE credit for pro bono work or indigent representation?
Yes. Pro Bono: You may earn an annual maximum of 3 hours of CLE credit for pro bono work, at a rate of 1 hour of CLE credit for every 5 hours of pro bono representation. You may receive credit only if the work was done through court appointment, an organized bar association, an approved […]